There was plenty of frank discussion of about faith, football and being better fathers at the Red Zone National Men's Conference, where three current and former NFL head coaches and more than a dozen current and former players talked about their faith to a sea of men sporting various jerseys.
The event was sponsored by Foundation for Manhood, a nonprofit group focused on "promoting biblical manhood," and even though the cheapest ticket was $25 to attend, event organizers had no problems selling out the venue before the doors to the event even opened. [READ MORE]
-- Jason Reid and Hamil Harris
Dungy, Harbaugh, Zorn, Brown Captive Men with "Frank" Discussions
Remember Super Bowl LXI when Tony Dungy's Colts pulled off the greatest comeback in championship game history. Listen to Tony's post game testimony HERE
James Brown, aka JB, is one of the most recognized sports broadcasters in the world. His years at FOX and now CBS have made JB a Sunday fixture to millions of football fans. Learn about his strong faith in Jesu Christ
RED ZONE National Men's Conference Draws
4000+ Men to Unique Gathering
Special Discount Offer for RED ZONE
RED ZONE Resources
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Washington Post
April 18, 2010
A hush fell over the 4,000 men who gathered at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden on Saturday morning as former Washington Redskins coach Jim Zorn talked about the day he learned that he could no longer call his own plays.
"When I got play-calling taken away from me, I called Tony and asked his advice and he said, 'I wouldn't do it,' " said Zorn, who was sitting alongside his longtime friend, former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy, as well as Baltimore Ravens Coach John Harbaugh and veteran sportscaster James Brown.
Brown told Zorn that during his stormy tenure as the Redskins' coach he was an example of "grace under pressure," but Zorn said the issue weighed heavily on his mind.

It was really a blessing and an honor to serve during this great event or should I say “great movement of God”. One thing that stood out for me was during the praise & worship. The sound of 4,000 plus brothers singing to God and not an echo of a woman’s voice in the place, that was an awesome sound. -- Ray
Amazing! I brought along two teens from our ministry outreach program and as a result, they walked the aisle Sunday morning to publically claim Christ as their Lord and Savior. One thing they said: never had they seen so many Christian men boldly standing for the Lord! THANK YOU all! -- Jerry
At our Men's Fraternity meeting this morning, one of the guys professed to accept Christ at the event on Saturday!! He did not go up. He was with his son and his son was too embarrassed... so they did not go up, but prayed the prayer. He is a hard charging, sort of gruff guy, father of 3 boys who pushes them and tends to rule pretty sternly. Well... Robert Lewis has been speaking to him through the Men's Fraternity series... and his heart was ripe. We all come to events like this with "ears to hear" don't we? And he heard! Our session this morning was lesson 13 of that first study, and it is the plan of salvation. It reinforced Saturday's event! He was excited! I was excited! We all were excited! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Thanks Marty! I want you to know of the fruits of your labors! -- Mike
The RedZone Men's conference was awesome! I walked away with so many applicable precious nuggets. --Guy
It was great and the live-streaming option made it possible to us non-mobile folks. --Ron
"Red Zone" was a great program; beautifully concieved and executed! Congratulations. - Jim

Jim Zorn prepares to throw one of his four spiral passes to eager receivers in the crowd.

"Late on Monday night following the Redzone event I found myself in one of my favorite spots, seated at an obscure table in the bookstore with my laptop a cup of coffee and free wi-fi. I noticed a gentleman pass my table a few times looking at me as if we were aquaintances. He finally came over to me and said,"Hey you did a great job this weekend!" He was at the Redzone conference and said it was a remarkable experience for him. Exactly one year ago he was at the lowest point of his life. He was in the middle of a painful divorce, his stepfather was on his deathbed, and depression had convinced him of only one option. He put the gun in his mouth and full of despair he pulled the trigger to end his life. The bullet jammed. One year later he's leaving a mens conference called Redzone feeeling, as he put it, "Ten feet tall and FULL of hope." I can't capture in this email his excitement about the event and his zeal to be the man of God he feels destined to be! Suffice it to say he was one of God's divine purposes searching for his destiny who showed up at the right time and the right place to cross the line...The Red Zone." --Steve
WACMM Fall 2010
ISI Men's Conference
Mountain Christian Church
Joppa MD
Last Year's RED ZONE Conference Below
RED ZONE NATIONAL MEN'S CONFERENCE is a live, high-energy one-day gathering of men of all ages and stages of life. The main feature is a "starting lineup" of current and former NFL coaches and players anchored by James (JB) Brown in the RED ZONE STUDIO. Also there are equipping workshops called "huddles" and dynamic masculine worship. The metaphor is sports. the theme is football. the goal is to inspire and equip men to get out of our own personal "red zone" and into God's "end zone" for our lives.
The first RED ZONE NATIONAL MEN'S CONFERENCE was held in Washington, DC in April 2010. 4,200 men showed up. The goal for 2011 is 5,000 men from around the Carolinas and the nation. Are you in? Will you recruit a team to get off the bench and take the field on March 26 in Charlotte, NC?
James (JB) Brown
The NFL Today on CBS
Marty Granger
Foundation for Manhood
Executive Producer